
美国职工薪资结构图(美国普通工人收入美国普通员工收入停滞不前 高管薪酬涨幅却轻松跑赢通胀中国日报网2023-05-05 13:59中国日报网2023-05-05 13:59)

近两年来,美国普通员工的工资涨幅赶不上物价飙升的速度,然而高薪的首席执行官的收入涨幅却能轻松跑赢通货膨胀。尽管去年多数美国公司的市场表现不佳,但是高管们的平均薪酬涨幅依然达到了7.7%。Photo/PexelsFor nearly two years, worker pay in the US has fallen short of crushing increases in the cost of living. But a handful of the highest-paid CEOs have comfortably stayed ahead of inflation.近两年来,美国员工工资涨幅一直赶不上物价飙升的速度,然而薪水最高的首席执行官的收入却总能轻松跑赢通胀。Average pay for top chief executives last year rose 7.7%, according to a report from Equilar, an executive compensation research firm. That raise comfortably beat out inflation, which was 6.4% in December.薪酬调查公司依奎拉的报告显示,去年美国首席执行官的平均收入上涨了7.7%。这一涨幅轻松跑赢了通胀,去年12月的通胀率是6.4%。The median corporate leader on Equilars list of 100 best-paid CEOs made a record $22.3 million in 2022, including salaries, stock awards and cash bonuses. The report focused on public companies with more than $1 billion in revenue who had reported executive pay as of March 31.依奎拉列出的2022年薪酬最高的100位首席执行官当中,中位数薪酬达到了破纪录的2230万美元,薪酬包含年收入、股票分红和奖金。该报告的统计对象是2023年3月31日前公布管理层薪酬且营收超10亿美元的上市公司的高管们。"CEO compensation continues to rise at a higher rate than median employees," Equilar said, noting that the typical CEO on the top 100 list makes 288 as much as a typical worker. The growing gap "continues to draw the ire from the average employee," the report noted.依奎拉称:“首席执行官的薪酬涨幅依然高于普通员工。”依奎拉指出,入选薪酬前100名的首席执行官的平均收入是普通员工平均收入的288倍。报告指出,这一不断扩大的收入差距“激起了普通员工的怒火”。The typical full-time worker last year made about $56,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.美国劳工统计局的数据显示,去年普通全职员工的平均年收入约为56000美元。While CEO 7.7% pay increase last year topped the rank-and-file, most of whom received 5% raises at best, its a sharp fall from 2021, when executive leaders compensation swelled 31%, boosted by post-pandemic bonuses and stock awards. Still, the increase is notable considering how poorly most companies fared in the markets last year. The S&P 500 index lost 18% in 2022, while Equilars list had a median investment return of -11.1%.尽管去年首席执行官7.7%的平均薪酬涨幅遥遥领先于普通员工,但是多数首席执行官的薪酬涨幅最高只有5%,相比2021年31%的涨幅(得益于疫情后发放的大额奖金和股票分红)急剧下降。尽管如此,考虑到多数公司去年的市场表现,这一涨幅已经很可观了。2022年标准普尔500指数下跌了18%,而入选依奎拉薪酬榜的平均投资回报率为负11.1%。The highest-paid CEO on Equilars list was Pelotons Barry McCarthy, whose compensation last year totaled $168 million, most of it in the form of stock options.依奎拉薪酬榜上薪水最高的首席执行官是互动健身平台Peloton的巴里·麦卡锡,他去年的薪水总额达到了1.68亿美元,大部分收入来自股票期权。McCarthy is followed on the list by Apple CEO Tim Cook, who took in $99.4 million last year, and AIGs Peter Zaffino at No. 3, with $75.3 million.排在薪酬榜第二位的是苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克,他去年的收入为9940万美元,第三名是美国国际集团的彼得·扎菲诺,年收入为7530万美元。英文来源:MONEYWATCH翻译&编辑:丹妮来源:中国日报网举报/反馈
